Experience in Oasis Infobyte
Hello Everyone!!!
I am Srushti Patil……
Well, I had applied for web developement internship at Oasis infobyte ….
This Blog is to share my experience as a Web Developing Intern in the OASIS INFOBYTE which is held on March 2022..
I would like to thank Oasis Infobyte for giving me this opportunity to enhance my skills and work on such an amazing projects…
During this Web Development Internship, I have Completed 3 tasks such as…..
1) LEVEL-01: Task-01: Landing Page
2) LEVEL-01: Task-02: Personal Portfolio
3) LEVEL-01: Task-03: Temperature Converter Website
I am very happy to share my those 3 tasks with you all :
LEVEL-01: Task-01: Landing Page: A landing page is one of the best Web Development projects for beginners. This project demands a foundational understanding of HTML and CSS. I learned how to add columns, divide sections, arrange items, add headers, footers, etc…
LEVEL-01: Task-02 : Portfolio: A Personal Portfolio with the basic skills in CSS and HTML. This is yet again, one of the most common projects on Web Development for beginners.
LEVEL-01 : Task-03 : Temperature Converter Website : The user will input a temperature in either Fahrenheit or Celsius and press a “Convert” button. The converted temperature will then be displayed with the correct unit.
LEVEL-02 : Task-01 : Calculator: A little skill to create a Calculator with basic mathematical functionalities using CSS, HTML and JavaScrip. Calculator requires an interactive interface to perform basic functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It will need a display screen to display the users input and give the results. THe grid system in CSS is for the alignments of buttons on the calculator. The additional tools need to build a fully functional calculator include event listeners, if-else statements, operators, loops and so on…..
Frankly, the overall internship experience was Awesome….. I learned new things, and also this helped me to explore as much as I can….
It was great working as a web developing intern at Oasis Infobyte….
I would undoubtedly recommend this internship to everyone who is struggling for an opportunity to gain some knowledge and work on some projects to show hands-on experience on internship for their future endorsement….
Use the below links to view my tasks :
LEVEL-01 : Task-01 : Landing Page : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/srushti-patil-1017_task-webdevelopment-intern-activity-6911710694258184192-rXKX?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web
GitHub Link : https://lnkd.in/epDNq6yE
LEVEL-01 : Task-02 : Portfolio : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/srushti-patil-1017_task-webdevelopment-intern-activity-6911712043502874624-I_T4?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web
GitHub Link : https://lnkd.in/eF_7yHvA
LEVEL-01 : Task-03 : Temperature Converter Website : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/srushti-patil-1017_task-webdevelopment-intern-activity-6911712896368439296-zJo3?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web
GitHub Link : https://lnkd.in/eCqGhE2e
Visit The Site : https://oasisinfobyte.in/
Thank You !!…….. :)